
The Foundation For My Philosophy

As drummers, there are some things that are "a given" about our instrument. We should have good meter, good feel and appropriate volume control (In later posts, I will share my thoughts on how to develop these traits). In addition, as people, we should be professional in our attitudes and courteous to other musicians and sound personnel. These are things that are part of what every drummer should be in the natural, just because we are humans, sense. However, when it comes to being a Christian and a drummer who serves in the church, there are other points of character criteria that are absolutely necessary in addition to what is naturally expected of any drummer. For example, there is the necessity of service, unto the Lord first, unto each band member, but ultimately unto the congregation as well. We are servants, who must maintain a level of humility in this regard. An outworking of this philosophy is to help our band mates bring their gear in and play in such a way as to be sensitive to the congregation. Here are a few more...

- Help the soundman set up and tear down microphones.

- Be available to talk to members of the congregation.

- Be fully prepared for your job.

- Never make the band wait for you to finish setting up.

There are many more but I will leave it there for now. There used to be a song that we sung years ago called "The Servant Song." It had this line: If you want to be great in God's Kingdom / Learn to be the servant of all

This is entirely unnatural, but critical to being a drummer who is a Christian, who is serving in the Church context.

Really, to wrap this up, I think it best to examine the verse that best summarizes what I am talking about in this post. Written to the Church of Philippi, by the Apostle Paul, leading up to a description of the Lord's mindset while on Earth.

"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself." Philippians 2:3 (NKJV)

How about another translation?

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves." (NIV)

This is the foundation philosophy for all of what we do in life, but especially as our lives are lived out on a stage before the watching eye of other Christians. Is this your foundation? If it is not, then you might want to consider your motivation and calling. In addition, if it is not, and I will admit that there have been many times when my heart was not there either, ask the Lord to do a work in your heart that would make this the rule for your life in ministry. There will be mornings when there will be exceptions to this rule, but Lord willing, as we seek, so shall we find that the rule is broken less and less.

"If I am called to minister with my instrument, then this is my aspiration."


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