
The Value Of Recording Yourself

I played on the worship team this last weekend. I knew that I would be going in "blind" and would need some extra help. I decided to take in my iPod, with the voice memo microphone attachment. I proceeded to record the first service (which is our Saturday night service) and then took it home for processing.

Not only did I accomplish my goal of providing a resource of the tunes for myself, but I also discovered a few chinks in my own armor! It was about 3AM (NEVER, EVER ORDER STARBUCKS WITHOUT SAYING THE WORD "DECAF" AFTER 9!) and I had listened to the entire worship set. Things that I thought were so grooving were way off! I noted my tendency to accelerate into tunes where I had an opening fill. I also noted a bunch of "non-musical" noise that I tended to make when I had no idea what to do, especially thinking later that a rest would have been more appropriate.

It was a tremendous learning experience...again! And here is where it was a little different from times previous when I had done this. I did not obsess, wish I had never picked up the drums, or curse my existence! I took it in stride and recognized that I had done my best under the circumstances, but that I would correct myself within, at that time, the next few hours.

I encourage each of you to record yourself, but only if you can do so without experiencing complete mental meltdown! I think that you will be pleasantly surprised as much as you are negatively surprised.

Hope this helps.


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